Vol. IX: Edukacja artystyczna i krytyka artystyczna w Europie Środkowej i
Wschodniej w 20 i 21 wieku / Художественное образование и художественная критика в Центральной и Восточной Европе в 20 и 21 веке / Art Education and Art Criticism in Central and Eastern Europe
in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Pod redakcją Małgorzaty Geron i Jerzego Malinowskiego, Warszawa – Toruń 2021 ISSN 2353–5709 ISBN 978–83–66758–10–0 (s. 124)
TABLE OF CONTENTS: JERZY MALINOWSKI, From the Editor; MAŁGORZATA GERON, Foreword; IRENA KOSSOWSKA, The Vienna School and Polish Neo-Realism of the 1930s.; STELLA PELŠE, Construction and Constructive Art in Latvian Art Critic Uga Skulme’s of the 1920s-1930s. ; SWIETŁANA CZERWONNAJA, The Unknown Life of a Polish Artist in the context of the known Polish Art and Art Education Problems of the 20th century: Stefan Narębski; MAŁGORZATA GERON, The early years of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (1945-1950); KATARZYNA KULPIŃSKA, The Printmaking Department at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in the years 1946-1960. The beginnings, the educational process, the graduates; ADRIANNA KACZMAREK, Self-portraits of The Nine Printmakers Group (1947-1960) from their 3 rd Exhibition Catalogue: the Question of Quiet Resistance; IEVA PLEIKIENĖ, The Education of Artists in Lithuania during the Soviet Period: Official Programmes and Individual Positions; RASA ŽUKIENĖ, Art Studies and the Situation of Artists in the Context of Power Relations: Transformations and Annihilation of the Kaunas Art School (1940–1953); AGATA KNAPIK, Radical architecture and its contribution to art and design education; LINDA SILE, Towards a utopia of emerging art education; PIOTR KOPROWSKI, A contemporary critic of a literary work. A few reflections; MARIJA GRINIUK, A/r/tography and love within the project The Temporary Department of Time, Space and Action.
Publikację dofinansowano w ramach programu CZASOPISMA ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury (umowa nr 01685/20/FPK/IK z dnia 18.06.2020)/